Treetops Early Learing Centre

No child is an island. While your child may have loads of adult company thanks to you, your spouse and your family and friends, it is also very important that your child spends time with children their own age as it is essential to their development.


As an early learning centre in Pukekohe, we have seen many children truly thrive in the presence of other children, and fully believe in socialising children from a young age. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of your child being around other children.



Language development is essential in children and it is good to start young. While you and your child may be able to communicate, you will see a massive improvement in their communication skills when they begin conversing with other children and have to learn body language and social cues.



While we can play with our children for hours, when kids play with other kids they enter an entirely new world of imagination, as is common with games such as ‘play pretend’. This immersive play does wonders for your child’s imagination and creativity. Because adults do not have a child’s brain, we simply cannot replicate this experience for them.


Learning To Share

If your child is an only child, they may start to feel as if they are the only child on earth and that the world revolves around them. Being in situations with other children allows them to learn from their peers, develop empathy and teach them to share with others. These skills are absolutely essential and will stay with your child for life!



When put in an environment with other children, children begin to develop self-esteem, confidence and even public speaking skills. They begin to develop a sense of self and get an ideaofo where they fit in the world.


How Can My Child Socialise With Other Children?

While you can always schedule playdates with the children of your friends and family, you may not actively know many other children, or these kids may live far away. The best solution would be to enrol your child in a daycare where they can interact with a variety of other kids their age and make friends!


Are you looking for an early learning centre in Pukekohe to send your child? Treetops Early Learning Centre creates a safe, warm and stimulating environment where children can express themselves and grow. Get in touch with us regarding our enrollment process today.

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