Our Mission Statement
- At Treetops, our mission is to make learning fun, to help children find their passion and to make sure each child is safe and feels loved.
- We build positive and open relationships with our children, their whānau and the wider community.
- We value open and frequent communication with parents and whānau, and encourage families to become involved in their children’s learning.
Our Values
- Treetops is a multicultural centre; we actively celebrate the different cultures of our families and teachers.
- We respect our children’s voice and their rights, and we encourage them to be active participants in their learning.
- Trust is paramount in our relationships with children, their parents and their whānau. Developing trust is important in a child’s development. The best learning outcomes occur when children feel safe and secure when they trust and love. Because children know that they are safe and loved at Treetops, they learn to trust and to become trustworthy themselves.
- Kotahi te kākano, he nui ngā hua o te rākau. A tree comes from one seed but bears many fruit (Ministry of Education, 2016)
Our Guiding Principles
At Treetops, our teaching is inspired by the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy and the Pikler philosophy and our practice is based on the principles of Te Whariki (The Early Childhood Curriculum) which addresses wellbeing, belonging, contribution, communication, and exploration.
- The Reggio Emilia approach focuses on each child as a competent learner. Children are curious, creative, and full of potential. Our approach at Treetops is child-centred and our curriculum focuses on inquiry learning.
- Learning respect and responsibility through discovery and play are essential elements in Reggio Emilia. We believe that children have rights and should be given appropriate responsibilities and opportunities to develop their potential.
- The Reggio Emilia approach believes that children have a ‘hundred languages’ to use in communication and learning. These ‘languages’ could be drama, sculpture or painting and children express needs, interests, and abilities using a variety of creative and fun ways.
- The learning environment is the third ‘teacher’ where children get to explore their ideas, test their theories, question, observe, and clarify their understanding of the world.
- Our children are encouraged to make sense of their world in their own way, at their own time.
- We honour Te Tiriti O Waitangi as the foundational document of Aotearoa by actively promoting Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori in our planned experiences.
Our teachers are constantly engaged in on-going professional development to ensure high-quality teaching practices that offer the best outcomes for your child.
- Edwards, C. Gandini, L, & Forman, G. (1998). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach – advanced reflections (2nd ed.). Greenwood.
- Gandini, L. (1993). Fundamentals of the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education. Young Children. 49:1, 4-8
- Hewett, V.M. (2001). Examining the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal. 29, 95–100. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012520828095
- Ministry of Education (2016). Te whariki: Early childhood curriculum. www.education.gov.nz