Treetops Early Learing Centre

Our tamariki engage in a variety of learning experiences, many of which are child-led and influenced by their imagination and creativity. During these learning experiences, our tamariki work collaboratively with one another as they develop their social skills of sharing and building friendships as they learn to communicate with one another. 


Self-regulation, communication and independence are critical skills that we strive to encourage and support our tamariki with. Through these interactions and explorations using different forms of play and learning, our tamariki are able to enhance these skills in order to understand and articulate their feelings and emotions during positive and difficult encounters with their peers.


Every day is different; however, our teachers work to establish and provide a space where our tamariki can feel a sense of belonging, which supports them in becoming confident, competent, passionate, empowered, and collaborative young learners and future leaders.

Exploration strand | mana āoturoa is a key way in which children learn and make sense of the world through self-initiated activity and play. Skills in exploration include:

Problem–solving skills, including skills in devising their own problems, imagining alternatives and trying things out

– Experimenting, taking risks and engaging with challenges

– Collaborating with others

– Persevering

– Being curious

– Being confident and having a strong identity as a learner and explorer

– Being resourceful

– Observing, explaining